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About NNPS Juvenile Detention

The NNJDS Education Program is located within the Newport News Juvenile Detention Center (NNJDC), a secure facility. The JDC is a 110 - bed facility that houses both male and female students ages 10-17, who have been detained by law enforcement and/or by a court order from a judge.

The mission of the State Operated Program is to provide students with quality instruction through a continuum of educational programs that promote achievement, character, and the skills necessary to transition in the community with tools that enhance citizenship and life-long learning.

Education Program Objectives

The Newport News Juvenile Detention School objectives are as follows:

  1. Provide a quality education for each student in residence.
  2. Continue identified instructional objectives for each student in residence at NNJDC.
  3. Provide a “seamless" instructional transition for students entering and exiting the NNJDS.
  4. Provide training for the faculty and staff in support of the Education Program.

Student Enrollment & Discharge

All students enrolled in the NNJDS Education Program are enrolled in Newport News Public Schools (NNPS). On the third day of attending classes, the student’s home school is notified of the students official enrollment at the NNJDS. All students are expected to attend classes regularly. They are graded on their work and participation in all classes. Once the student is discharged from the NNJDC, they are withdrawn from the Education Program and their grades are transferred back to their home school.

Education Services

The NNJDS Education Program follows the standard calendar year of the NNPS. The school day begins at 8:15 am and ends at 2:45 pm. Students are enrolled in a Summer Enrichment Program from the last day of school until June 30th and two weeks during the month of August. Virginia SOL tests are administered during the Fall and Spring of each school year. The NNJDS Education Program is funded by the Virginia Department of Education and is managed by the Newport News City Public School Division. By Virginia State Law, a Re-Enrollment Plan is written by the Student Support Specialist on each student who is enrolled in the NNJDS 30 days or more. The Re-Enrollment plan is forwarded to the students home school and is used as a transition component.


All classes offered at the NNJDS Education Program follow the NNPS Curriculum and SOL pacing guides. Subjects offered are as follows:

  • Middle School: 6th, 7th, 8th grade core subjects
  • English: 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Math: Intro. to Algebra, Algebra I, Intro. To Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry, Calculus, Math Analysis, Probability and Stats, and Personal Finance
  • Science: Earth Science, Biology, Oceanography, Physics, and Chemistry
  • Social Studies: World Geography, World History and Geography (I & II), VA/US History, VA/US Government
  • PE/Health: 9, 10, 11, 12
  • Art
  • GED/ ISAEP Program
  • Special Education Services
  • Other courses and options offered:
    • Desire2Learn online classes
    • Thomas Nelson Community College
    • Independent collaboration with home school
    • Reading and Math Remediation (STAR)
    • Life Skills
    • Summer Enrichment Program